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How To Be A Better Social Media Strategist?

Diperbarui: 26 Des 2018

It might get really complicated, but usually, it’s fun and exciting. You’ll have to constantly try new ideas, create engaging content, stay up to date with the events and everything that’s happening in the company and industry. With just a little effort, you can improve your skills and knowledge. Here are a few things to start with

1. Understand the product or service

Marketing only works if the product is great, and it means you should start with it. Understand what the core values are, who the target customer is, and what problem it actually solves for it. It’s not about producing content, making videos or running ads. One thing that will actually make a difference in your future social media marketing activities is understanding the customer and improving the product. You can work closely with the product development team, set up calls with customers, read reviews, analyze your competitors, and see what you can do better. It involves not only social media, but also rewriting and redesigning other marketing materials, such as websites, landing pages, and descriptions

2. Conduct a social media audit

I know it doesn’t sound exciting, but it’s essential to review everything and find out what’s working, what’s not, and what can be improved for each social media channel. This activity might not be your favourite, but this is an important step in being a better social media strategist. You have to know your numbers, and understand how the current metrics look:

Number of followers, Likes, Shares, Comments, Clicks, Video views, Post Reach Impressions, Engagement rate

Analyze your numbers and the posts, to get what your audience is reacting to. Social media is a lot about testing, so see what works, why and how to repeat that.

3. Use a social media marketing tool

It’s probably safe to say that brands already act differently and understand that social is much more complicated than expected. New platforms appear every single month, and to understand which is better, you’ll have to try them all. All these tools help you analyze social media campaigns, generate leads, schedule social media posts and create content calendars to supercharge your efforts. Tools will help you save time and be more productive.

4. Curate the best content out there!

Your brand is looking for someone to curate the content based on the materials your marketing team is creating, such as blog articles, eBooks, PDFs, infographics etc. If it’s copy, photos,  video or all of the above, you’ll most likely have to tailor the raw material and make it publish ready for the social media platforms. Tie the brand with the current events and trends in the world, and keep these three things in mind:

Keep the same style and voice - Maintain the basic marketing guidelines - Ask yourself if people will actually be interested in what you’ll publish

To wrap this up, keep in mind that the life of a social media strategist is quite exciting and its importance is sometimes underestimated. If you define a clear strategy and stay close to the business objectives, your social media efforts will not go in vain.

If you need more in depth on these steps, reach out to me to get a FREE 30 minutes consultation to increase your traffic to your offer and thus increasing your business revenue.

Social Media Strategist


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